Published on 6/23/2020,
dataArrows Inc.
dataArrows Joins Digital Twin Consortium

dataArrows is delighted to announce joining Digital Twin Consortium. The consortium is funded by Ansys, Microsoft, Dell, OMG and Lendlease to accelerate adoption, use, interoperability and development of digital twin technology. It facilitates implementation of digital twin innovations through consistent approaches and open source development. The members of the consortium will collaborate on defining the ecosystem, standards requirements, architectures, open source code, identify gaps, and publish statements and opinions.
dataArrow will bring to the table the expertise in developing BIM-based digital twins of buildings. dataArrows offers both hardware and software required for implementing digital twin technology in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Facility Management (AEC/FM) industry. SmartNode® is the company’s smart Internet of Things (IoT) devices that sense, collect and interpret building information in buildings. TWINUP is the Artificial Intelligent (AI)-based software solution dataArrows has developed for integration of IoT with Building Information Model (BIM) data sourses.