New York City LL97
In 2019, New York City passed amendments to the building emissions law that is considered the most ambitious large-scale performance-based climate legislation in the United States. The legislation is called Local Law 97 (or LL97) and will affect about 50,000 existing commercial and residential buildings in NYC. The goal of this law is to reduce the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission of buildings in the city by 80% by 2050. The enforcement of LL97 will start in 2024 and will affect about 20% of the buildings. The requirement will get even more restricted in 2030, affecting approximately 75% of the buildings. There will be considerable penalty for bulidngs that do not meet the requirements. The penalties are a function of the square footage of buildings and the the amount of GHG emission they have.
Our Solution help you to reduce GHG emission of your building to meet the LL97 requirements. Using our solution, you not only avoid LL97 penalties, but also save money by reducing energy consummation in your building. Our solution can easily be implemented in existing buildings with no disturbance to daily operation of the buildings. Our wireless technology does not require any physical changes like rough-ins or ducting in your property
In addition to serving as a low-cost energy saving technology, our solution helps you with making right decisions for energy retrofit of your buildings. Our technology addresses the following energy auditing issues identified by American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHREA):
- Analysis of building and utility data and energy bills.
- Assessment of the real operating conditions.
- understanding the behavior of a building in response to weather and occupancy conditions and operation schedules.
- Identifying occupants preferences.
- Recognizing energy saving potentials.